When you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you do good, and when you do good, life is better.

Here at Subterranean Spa, we want you to feel and look good.  We have a list of services that can help you achieve your goals. 

– Infrared Sauna Full Body or Blanket

… more to come…



Body Contouring & Enhancement Menu

Infrared Sauna Blanket

The infrared sauna benefits patient recovery and tissue repair.  It is one of the latest health craze products to repair muscles, speed recovery, and jump start your weight loss journey.  The infrared lights within the sauna are able to penetrate the body up to 6 centimeters and heat it from within.  There are numerous health benefits including, muscle tension relief, detoxification, increased metabolism, and a stronger immune system. The controlled, timed heat will cause the body to sweat and release toxins. The result is a loss of excess water weigh. The loss of toxins creates a healthy immune system and can boost your metabolism accelerating the burning of body fat. Relaxation is another result of the infrared heat used in the blanket. The controlled heat calms and soothes sore muscles allowing the body to continue moving fast and strong throughout the entire day.

Sauna blanket, you will be laying down on either your back or stomach. Full body will be zippered in blanket and will NOT have free range of arms. (Not suggested if you are claustrophobic)

Full body Sauna, sit upright in sauna.  Will have free range of arms

*Please indicate which sauna you prefer in the notes. This will properly prepare your session for you.

*You will sweat in the sauna!!! Please bring a pair of socks. Swimsuit OR change of undergarments to wear while in the sauna.

*It is very important that you are hydrated. Please drink water and stay hydrated 24 hours prior to your appointment and after.

Up to 60 Min- $60